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Sunday, September 28, 2014

A new book in German has been released: Worte aus dem Jenseits (Translated from Italian by Yasmine Silvestri)

Worte aus dem Jenseits

Book description: Die angebliche Gelassenheit des Polizeikommissars Vincent Germano wird abrupt durch den Suizid eines Pensionisten und das Eintreffen eines anonymen Briefes getrübt. Es wird der Name eines möglichen Verdächtigen angeführt, nicht der des Opfers, dem Kommissar bleibt gar nichts anderes übrig, als das Puzzle geduldig, mit allen Einzelteilen zusammenzufügen.

Friday, August 15, 2014

A new book in German has been released: Der Schatte Des Spurhunds (Translated from Italian by Vladimiro Baratta and Fabiana Di Clemente)

Der Schatte Des Spurhunds

Book Description: Der Körper einer jungen Frau wird in einem Wald wiedergefunden. Zu Beginn, scheint der Motiv und der Name des Mörders allen klar, nur nicht Vincent Germano. Der Kommissar wird entscheiden, zu untersuchen.

Friday, June 20, 2014

The first book in Japanese has been released: A Murder Enigma (Translated from Italian by Akina Ogawa)

A Murder Enigma

Book Description

 June 17, 2014

Thursday, June 19, 2014

A new book in finnish has been released: Komisario Gennaron Aave (Translated from Italian By Erica Leikas)

Komisario Gennaron Aave


Book Description

Komisario Vincent Germanon ensimmäinen tutkimus
Komisario Vincent Germano on vanhan tyylin poliisi, San Franciscossa syntynyt, mutta joka nykyisin asuu Italiassa, jossa vähän yli kaksikymmentävuotiaana tapahtunut kohtaaminen muutti hänen elämänsä suunnan. Castelli Romanissa, Rooman eteläpuolella, vaikuttaa taustalla kaksi tapausta, ”paitsiossa” oleva erotuomari ja kadonnut tyttö, jotka laittavat tiukkaan testiin niin Germanon kuin hänen miestensäkin tutkinnan terävyyden.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A new book in Portuguese has been released: O Horóscopo (Translated from Italian by Julia Pedro)

O Horóscopo


Descrição do produto

O quinto caso so comissário Germano.
Uma série de estranhos homicídios vão ensanguentando a província de Roma e a averiguação dos crimes fica a cargo de Vincent Germano – só o comissário conseguirá resolver este enigma.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A new book in English has been released: The Shadow Of The Hound (Translated from Italian by Anna Sigillo)

The Shadow Of The Hound

Book Description:

The body of a young woman is found in the woods, from the first clues both motive and the name of the murderer seems clear to everyone, except to Vincent Germano, the commissioner decides to investigate further.

Friday, June 06, 2014

A new book in English has been released: The Discordant Note (Translated from Italian by Anna Sigillo)

The Discordant Note

Book Description:

Ralf Brandenburg, international musician, is found dead on his loved piano. The man who will be in charge for the investigation, Vincent Germano, will have nothing but the words and hearsay evidences from the people who had the luck to know him.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

A new book in Finnish has been released: Murhaajan Arvoitus (Translated from Italian by Erica Leikas)

Murhaajan Arvoitus


Book description: 

Komisario Germanon toinen tutkimus
Hankala tutkimus komisario Vincent Germanolle, joka joutuu tasapainoilemaan sillä epävarmuuden liian ohuella langalla, joka erottaa uhrin tappajasta.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

A new book in French has been released: Le fantôme du commissaire (Translated from Italian by Camille Anne)

Le fantôme du commissaire


Présentation de l'éditeur

Le commissaire Vincent Germano est un policier de la vieille école. Né à San Francisco, il s'est finalement installé en Italie depuis un peu plus d'une vingtaine d'années et il ne changerait pour rien au monde sa nouvelle vie.
À Castelli Romani, dans la province sud de Rome, les enquêteurs feront face à deux situations qui mettront à rude épreuve la perspicacité de Germano et de ses hommes; un arbitre "hors-jeu" et une fille disparue...

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A new book in Portugues has been released: Palavras do Alem (Translated from Italian by Marily Santos de Souza)

Palavras do Alem

Descrição do produto

A calma aparente do Delegado de Polícia, Vincent Germano será importunada pelo suicídio de um aposentado e da chegada de uma carta anônima na qual indica o nome de um possível culpado mas não o nome da vítima. O Delegado não poderá fazer nada além de tentar encaixar todos os pedaços desse quebra-cabeça.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A new book in Portuguese has been released: Nunca se morre mais de duas vezes (Translated from italian by Joana de Oliveira)

Nunca se morre mais de duas vezes


Descrição do produto

" Germano, um comissário de polícia, vê chegar-lhe às mãos uma garrafa de plástico com uma mensagem no seu interior. Assim inicia a investigação que irá ter por protagonistas Laura Rocca, aparentemente suicida, e Ferdinando Rocca, morto por causas naturais, e o irmão deste úlitmo. A investigação que tem lugar na cidade de Roma e seus arredores, vê envonvido um inspetor em Buenos Aires... "


Monday, May 19, 2014

A new book in spanish has been released: Palabras Desde el Más Allá (Translated from italian by Ana Garcia Garcia)

Palabras desde el más allá


Descripción del producto

La aparente calma del comisario de Policía, Vincent Germano, se verá alterada de repente por el suicidio de un jubilado y por la llegada de una carta anónima en la que se le indica el nombre de un posible culpable, pero no el de la víctima.

El comisario no podrá hacer más que intentar encajar todas las piezas del rompecabezas.


Saturday, May 17, 2014

A new book in english has been released: Words from Beyond (Translated from Italian by Anna Sigillo)

Words from Beyond

Book Description: The apparent calm of the Police Commissioner, Vincent Germano, will suddenly be put through the wringer by the suicide of a pensioner and the arrival of an anonymous letter, which indicates the name of a possible murderer but not that of the victim. 

The Commissioner can not help but grope to fit every piece of the puzzle.

Friday, May 02, 2014

A new book in english has been released: Horoscope (translated from italian by Laura Stecco)


Book description:  A chain of inexplicable crimes is drenching in blood the province of Rome, the investigation is assigned to Vincent Germano, the Commissioner will be asked to solve the mystery.

Monday, April 21, 2014

A new book in english has been released: Never More Than Twice (translated from italian by Anna Gini)

Never More Than Twice

Book Description: A message found in a bottle and an antiquer's curiosity will lead Vincent Germano to start an investigation whose conclusion will only be just shy of unbelievable. The commissioner will often find himself surrounded by people to whom he'll have to explain himself, give orders or ask for suggestions, but he will be, in fact, alone, like everyone looking for the truth.

Friday, April 04, 2014

The first book in finnish has been released: Vahtikoiran Varjo (translated from italian by Erica Leikas)

Vahtikoiran Varjo

Book description: Nuoren naisen ruumis löydetään metsästä. Jo alusta alkaen sekä motiivi että murhaajan nimi näyttäisivät olevan selviä kaikille muille paitsi Vincent Germanolle. Komisario päättää tutkia.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A new book in German has been released: Horoskop (translated from Italian by Lisa Maria Basile)



Eine Reihe von ungeklärten Morden lassen viel Blut in der Provinz von Rom fließen. Die Ermittlung wird Vincent Germano zugeteilt; der Kommissar wird gerufen, um das Rätsel zu lösen.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A new book in German has been released: Ein Unvollkommener Rahmen (translated from italian by Linda Thon)

Ein Unvollkommener Rahmen

Kurzbeschreibung: Ein Mann wird tot in seiner Kunstgalerie aufgefunden. Kommissar Vincent Germano muss zwischen tausend verschiedenen Möglichkeiten, der richtigen Fährte auf die Spur kommen. Die Ermittlungen verlaufen in einem melancholischem Umfeld…


Saturday, January 04, 2014

A new book in Portuguese has been released: A Sombra do Cao de Caca (translated from Italian by Marily Santos de Souza)



Descrição do produto: O corpo de uma jovem mulher foi encontrado em um bosque, a partir dos primeiros indícios, seja o motivo que o nome do assassino parecem evidentes a todos, menos a Germano Vincent, o Delegado, que decide investigar.